Aralia Fatsia, also known as Fatsia japonica or Japanese Aralia, is a striking, tropical-looking evergreen shrub originating from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. It is admired for its large, glossy, palmate leaves, which make it a popular choice for adding lush greenery and bold texture to floral arrangements.
The Aralia Fatsia foliage features large, lobed leaves that can reach up to 12-16 inches in width. Each leaf typically has 7-9 deep lobes, radiating from a central point, giving it a dramatic, fan-like appearance.
In floral design, Aralia Fatsia foliage is often used as a filler or background element, providing contrast and support for more delicate, colorful flowers. Its bold, architectural leaves create a visually interesting backdrop, adding depth and structure to bouquets, centerpieces, and larger installations such as arches or altar decorations.
The long, sturdy stems of Aralia Fatsia also make it easy to work with, allowing for versatile placement within various types of arrangements. Moreover, the foliage is known for its long-lasting freshness, ensuring that your floral creations will maintain their beauty throughout the duration of an event.